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120 Israeli Websites Found Infected with Malware

Anonymous/AKINCILAR (OpIsrael): 120 Israeli websites were discovered to be infected with malware that is likely intended for the upcoming OpIsrael campaign.  The websites were infected with a tool called EL_MuHaMMeD Kitle mha Shell V1 which allows for quick access to attackers for defacing websites or quickly uploading malware to infect visitors to a website.  The tool has been tied to the Turkish group AKINCILAR who have previously used the tool to attack Israel in the past.  None of the infected websites had anything done to them other than having the tool uploaded to them.

Analyst Notes

It is assessed that the intention was probably to infect as many sites as possible so that they could be quickly defaced this weekend during the main portion of the OpIsrael campaign so that many sites can be defaced at once.