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Conflict Between India and Pakistan Spills Over Into Cyberspace Again

India: Over the past week, multiple clashes have taken place between militant groups in Kashmir and Indian security forces in the region.  This weekend, the conflict in the region spilled over yet again into cyberspace when pro-Indian hackers targeted the Pakistani Ministry of External Affairs and possibly the Pakistan Army website.  The Pakistani government was able to quickly restore domestic access to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, however international traffic to the page was still experiencing difficulties as of Sunday night.  While there were also claims that the main website for the Pakistani Army was also taken offline, it was working again when checked–so if it was targeted it was only successful for a brief period of time.  When clashes in the Kashmir region take place, it is not uncommon for hackers on both sides of the border to target military and government organizations on the opposing side.

Analyst Notes

We have seen a number of cases in the past when clashes have lasted for longer periods of time or when significant civilian casualties take place, that hackers will take things a step further and attempt to disrupt daily life on the opposite side of the border by targeting civilian and local government organizations as well. At this time it is unlikely that civilian targets will be hit with cyber-attacks unless tensions in the region escalate and spread to civilian populations.