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ISIS Gaining Ground in Syria and Iraq

ISIS: A new report from The Pentagon has shown that ISIS in places like Syria are moving towards being more an insurgency rather than a territory-holding group. Since the removal of some resources from the area, Syrian forces are having a hard time combatting the resurgence and the group has begun to once again carry out attacks and recruitment of new members. Syrian forces that do manage to take out the terror cells are then tasked with holding those positions and the removal of US forces has made that nearly impossible for them. Intelligence and surveillance resources have also been being utilized more for the Iranian situation and monitoring Iran, which in turn pulled the amount of monitoring that was being done in Syria and on ISIS. The overall reduction of resources and alternate geopolitical situation in the same area are making it harder to combat ISIS, allowing them to gain territory, members and morale.

Analyst Notes

If the group manages to continue to gain in Syria and Iraq, it is likely that they will once again try to revamp their cyber group as well. When ISIS was doing “well” in Syria and Iraq before, their cyber caliphate division was at their biggest and most active.